What are the causes of excess body water?**

by yeahlifestyle

What are the causes of excess body water?

There can be many reasons for water accumulating in the body. It is worth checking, by observing your body, which ones occur in you. In this way, you can eliminate the unfavourable factors that affect your well-being.

Not drinking enough fluids

First and foremost, the accumulation of water in the body is affected by a deficiency in your diet. If you drive your body to a state of dehydration, it tries to defend itself. It retains fluid in the body in case it cannot access it.


Hormones, especially for women, can significantly affect water retention in the body. We struggle with this before and during menstruation. For this reason, it is worthwhile to support oneself with suitable dietary supplements. The products from Your Secret have a natural composition and have a positive effect on the entire body.


Excess water in the body can also be a symptom of various diseases. It is therefore recommended that you consult your doctor. Especially if the situation persists much longer than normal, an appropriate response can limit the negative effects on the body.

Improper diet

An unhealthy diet, especially one high in salt, also contributes to water retention in the body. Therefore, before you start worrying, consider whether you have been reaching for fast food more often lately. These contain a lot of salt and can lead to a bloated feeling throughout the body.

How do you deal with excess water in your body?

What are the best ways to combat water accumulation in the body? A very good choice is to eliminate those elements that cause this condition. You can start drinking more water and reducing salt, but there is still a problem with hormones.

If this is the case, it is worth reaching for nutritional supplements. If you combine them with the right habits in your life, you may be positively surprised. Without a doubt, it is a very good addition to your diet.

However, remember to increase your fluid intake at the same time. An adult should drink a minimum of 2.5 litres of water. This is strongly dependent on body weight and the weather. Therefore, make sure you are taking in enough fluids.

Are dietary supplements helpful for water accumulation in the body?

As we have already mentioned, dietary supplements are a very good aid to the whole process. They help to regulate water balance throughout the body. The natural ingredients in them support the proper functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. Therefore, it is much easier for you to get rid of water from your body. At the same time, you can see the first effects of their action after just a few days.


**This is a collaborative post. The image has been provided to us.

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